Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm Alive

I know, I know. I haven't written in this space for a good two months. Suffice to say that times have been largely dark, and I couldn't bring myself to revisit them even in the interest of cathartic disclosure. The spring semester just started, and I'm warily optimistic--it's a real make-it-or-break-it kind of moment. In any case, I'm dealing with my stress the only way I know how--copious amounts of booze and videogames.

I woke up this morning feeling even shittier than usual, and I think that last night's activities (drinking plus wandering around in the freezing cold) may have taken a larger toll than I expected: that's right, for the first time this year, I may actually be sick. Tonight there is going to be a huge party on campus--I wrote about it last year, somewhat disparagingly--and I intend to rock out and drink tons and go out into the still-freezing night air for a cigarette once or twice, so maybe I'll be dead tomorrow.
