Monday, December 15, 2008

We, Sleyan

Originally the header of this blog simply read "... at America's Most Annoying Liberal Arts College." Then I remembered that we didn't quite snatch that esteemed title, at least in the self-satisfied jack-off blogosphere, and I thought I'd shift some words around in the interest of titular accuracy.

But honestly, is it too late to call BS on that classic battle royal? I can't speak to the annoyosity of Sarah Lawrence, but I lived a stone's throw away from Wesleyan for about 10 years and something in my gut tells me that in a hard-science comparison of their laid-back hipster milieu with Hampshire's unrelenting barrage of hyper-affected otherness, we'd KO those motherfuckers back to the midwest/their West Hartford McMansions. (That's kind of random but those just seem like plausible locations for Wesleyan students to originate from: a place where most people don't give a shit about wacky social progressivism, or a place where most people are numb wastrels.)

I guess I never garnered an intimate knowledge of the University even though I got to know a few students but, apart from some weak, derivative "keep Wesleyan weird" campaign that sprouted up a few years back, it was a pretty insular community. I suppose the only back-up I have for my argument is that I have complete confidence in every way that it is not possible for a place to be more continually irritating than Hampshire College.

Which brings me to the mission statement/raison d'etre of this whole blog: I fucking love this place.

More to come, my pretties....

1 comment:

  1. Don't put too much faith in Gawker. I think if there were a "most annoying gossip blog run by people who graduated from 'most annoying liberal arts colleges,'" Gawker would take the cake.

