Thursday, February 19, 2009

Again and Again

This week was weird. I had so much going on that I just didn’t stop working, at all, the last week blending into this one, the days merging together into one marathon opera of sadness. Apart from a short, late-night whiskey-and-bull session with “the guys” on Saturday night, I’ve basically just been reading and writing (with a break for over-exerting exercise) non-stop for six or seven days. I was incredibly frightened this week that I wouldn’t finish everything (and technically, I didn’t) but now that it’s over I feel pretty good. I’m officially a Division II now, so I guess that’s a deal? Okay.

One of my housemates made goddamn soft tacos for dinner tonight, which made me feel pretty inadequate. I continue to cop out and just boil some pasta each time it’s my turn. After all the energy I exert on schoolwork I just can’t cope with the mental calculations it takes to go bigger with the dinner menu. On Sunday I thought I might use our curiously unending supply of bagels and make pizza bagels, but I just didn’t have what it takes.

A little while ago I went over to the nearest vending machine to purchase an orange soda. They were sold out. Let me repeat that for those hard-of-hearing: the machine was sold out of orange soda. I was instantly filled with an eternal melancholy, as if nothing could ever be right again.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Scarce Words

I haven't posted on the blog in a long mo'fuckin' time, due to both business and lack of inspiration.

I was going to do a post about Valentine's Day on Saturday, but I ended up just getting really depressed and aborting it. Plus one of my housemates' relationship vaguely imploded on that day, so I ended up just drinking and consoling him instead of the usual pontificating.

I'll write some more next week, hopefully. Stay strong, all my many fans.
