Thursday, February 19, 2009

Again and Again

This week was weird. I had so much going on that I just didn’t stop working, at all, the last week blending into this one, the days merging together into one marathon opera of sadness. Apart from a short, late-night whiskey-and-bull session with “the guys” on Saturday night, I’ve basically just been reading and writing (with a break for over-exerting exercise) non-stop for six or seven days. I was incredibly frightened this week that I wouldn’t finish everything (and technically, I didn’t) but now that it’s over I feel pretty good. I’m officially a Division II now, so I guess that’s a deal? Okay.

One of my housemates made goddamn soft tacos for dinner tonight, which made me feel pretty inadequate. I continue to cop out and just boil some pasta each time it’s my turn. After all the energy I exert on schoolwork I just can’t cope with the mental calculations it takes to go bigger with the dinner menu. On Sunday I thought I might use our curiously unending supply of bagels and make pizza bagels, but I just didn’t have what it takes.

A little while ago I went over to the nearest vending machine to purchase an orange soda. They were sold out. Let me repeat that for those hard-of-hearing: the machine was sold out of orange soda. I was instantly filled with an eternal melancholy, as if nothing could ever be right again.


  1. i'm into orange soda, but for my money you can't beat root beer.

  2. It's true, that man likes root beer, but to all appearances, he has no scruples on which is the right kind. There's root beer and then there's root beer.

    Why not buy orange soda in bulk and let eternal melancholy slip down your gullet, bubbly?

