Thursday, November 19, 2009

Quick Update

The last week has been incredibly stressful. I'm glad it's over, though my work is far from done. At least I've managed to go more than four days without feeling compelled to drink my sorrows away. Tonight I can have a good time knowing I'm doing it just to do it, and not to suppress my emotions.

A couple weeks ago I "canceled" my facebook account, on a whim. It's sort of freeing, not feeling compelled to log on daily or semi-daily just to live vicariously through others. I'm sure I'll get pulled back in soon enough, but for now I'm pretty content.

Oh, blog-world, what a strange year it's been! The highs are immense and the lows are crushing. One can only look towards the future with clear eyes and hope in one's heart. At least I have an outlet to express myself when all else fails. For now, as always, I remain earnestly yours.

1 comment:


    these guys are pretty cool and I think they're playing at your school on Saturday
    just a heads up

