Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Complainy-Pants McGee, That's Me

Connecticut is terrible. My seasonal allergies have been acting up lately, and I blame it on these New England environs, in which agitating plants are allowed to grow and spew pollens and such into the air. Or maybe it's just this dank basement I spend most of my time in, who knows. In any case, I'm fed up with these parts. Hopefully I'll get to spend the weekend in New Jersey, a trip down south-aways might do me good.

Friday, July 10, 2009


I had a fight with my pop today. I don't even remember why, exactly; I think it started when he came downstairs and saw me watching Jarhead on TV and got angry for some reason. Later I yelled at him, and he replied with some smugness that I can't recall, but I remember the conversation ended with him sneering that I don't read Jane Austen. Growing up, I was always jealous of those lucky children whose fathers drank Bud and belched while watching "The Game" and threatened to take a belt to their kids if they didn't buck up during football practice. I don't think my father's oppressive brand of passive-agressive, myopic intellectual elitism really instilled the right values in his children. When he gets mad because my brother blasts his shitty extremist hardcore music with total disregard to the other people existing around him, and I lose my temper and tell my bro that if he doesn't turn it down I'll fucking do it for him, he has nobody but himself to blame. Anyway, I get my silent revenge by drinking all his booze. I'm going to read Mansfield Park and then tell him to shove it. Ah, family.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Brother Bear/Boilermaker

Tonight I had a talk with my brother in the dark while he dozed on the futon in the basement and I sat on the couch, The Twilight Zone glowing in the background. I feel like we made some progress. My brother and I have had a complex relationship throughout our lives. I won't get into it here, but basically, I expressed that I thought, since we're both adults now and all, we should start trying to do things together, to repair the damage that's been done, etc. I proposed that we go for a run together tomorrow. We'll see how that works out.

After, I downed some whiskey and watched some Gilmore Girls. DON'T JUDGE ME. I might discuss the Gilmore Girls in this space at a later date. I have some things I might say. You might want to have a look and express some emotions. We'll see.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

One Week Later

Having my teeth removed sucked even more than I imagined it would. The last week has been terrible. The meds they have me on make me drowsy and dizzy, and aren't really even strong enough to keep the pain at bay completely between the 8-hour intervals in which I may take them. In any case, I'm about to take my last one, and I likely won't refill my subscription, so I'll have to wean myself off them with healthy doses of ibuprofen. It would be great to be rid of this persistent gross feeling in my mouth, and hopefully I'll soon be able to eat food naturally without the sides of my lower jaw aching and crumbs getting caught in the gnarled sockets from which they pried my awkwardly slanted wisdom teeth. I'm really just tired of being tired and sitting around the house, unable to do much except watch TV and whimper and drink milkshakes. I must refocus and attempt to reclaim what is left of this summer (most of it--Christ, it is long) for active/creative pursuits. Or I could just drink and play videogames, whichever comes more naturally.
