Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Summer Aches

About a month left of summer vacation. I hope I can make it. The last couple months have sort of blended together into a homogeneous souffle of suck, and time has become an abstract concept detached from the reality of existence. That sounds very dramatic, but mostly it's just a way to describe how bored I am. I've tried to stay healthy, going for runs and so forth, but that hasn't kept, and neither has my reading list for the summer; I'm about halfway into my third book for the season. No, I lied: my second.

I'm keeping up with my videogames, though! Sure am. Last week I played Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. It was all right. I've played less Grand Theft Auto in my day than many of my generation, but even so I'm sort of tired of it. There are only so many crazed rampages one can enact upon the plasticine populace of Liberty City before it occurs to you that you're having less fun than you ought to be. Still, I appreciate how defiantly witty and self-aware the games insist on being. One of my professors last semester instructed the class not to play that game, so I feel like I've won some sort of intellectual victory by completing the main quest with my critical ability intact.

Let's see, what else. I got back from New Jersey a week ago, and last week I shed a layer of burned, useless skin, much like some exotic lizard. I wish it made me feel like I was starting anew, fresh and ready to take on the world, but no such luck. Goddamn lizards, always getting my hopes up.

1 comment:

  1. u know ezra, in your blog photo the sun is shining in between the row of trees on either side of the street. I read that as a ray of hope.

