Saturday, June 27, 2009


I had my wisdom teeth taken out this morning*. The worst part--technically, the only part—was the needle in the arm at the beginning. I was told the drugs they inject are supposed to put you in a kind of “trance,” but I just fell asleep. When I awoke I was higher than I’ve been in a while. I vaguely remember trying to ask the doctor and nurses about their favorite Michael Jackson songs, and then realizing they couldn’t understand a word I had said for the bloody gauze stuffed in my mouth, which was completely numb. After getting home and drooling quite a bit of blood onto myself (attempting to drink a milkshake, I’d thought my lower lip was my tongue) I settled onto the couch to recuperate. It’s kind of an interesting sensation, the swelling and so forth; you basically look like a Dick Tracy villain, and not being able to open your mouth very wide makes communication a challenge.

I was just relaxing on the couch, watching Krull on my computer, when a flash thunderstorm arrived and then left, taking with it the power in the town and the entire surrounding area. We were without electricity for nearly half a day, which caused my otherwise contented family to stress and yell at one another continuously during the very time allotted for peace and quiet, due to my sister’s sickness and my own ill capacity. I couldn’t even join in the angry fun, what with switching between lying on my back to ease the dull pain and going to drool out gobs of blood into the sink every other minute. Summer is fantastic.

*It was actually yesterday morning, several hours after which I wrote this post, and was unable to post it until now for reasons detailed above.

1 comment:

  1. I had one taken out a few weeks. You get that vicatin bro?

